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Let's trade!


NOTE: I am open only for requests for my audio masters at the moment, I'm happy to trade non-wants for them


• Email me: sevenhoursbehind @ (take the spaces out)

• Please do not DM me on Discord, I don't check it as regularly


• A link to your website/full list - please make sure it includes full date info!

• Which videos/audios you'd like (with their full date)


In consideration of the stricter bootleg laws in Korea, I will only trade Korean productions for other Korean productions or for my major wants (the ones that are underlined).


Whoever emails first sends links over first.
If you'd like a "to be gifted upon request" item as a gift, point it out otherwise I might not realise!


I'll aim to reply within 1-3 days, but if I haven't replied in 5 days, feel free to poke me.


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